Chandan Kumar Jha

Associate Professor, The Madden College of Business and Economics, Le Moyne College

I am an Associate Professor of Finance at the Madden College of Business and Economics, Le Moyne College. I earned a Ph.D. in Economics from Louisiana State University in 2015. Currently, I am serving as the Finance Program Director, Director of the Hetterich Center for Global Engagement and Impact, and a Member of the Board of Governors of the Dolphin Green & Gold Fund -- a student-managed fund at Le Moyne College. I am an Associate Editor of Studies in Microeconomics and an Editorial Board Member of SN Business & Economics. I am also a fellow of the Global Labor Organization.

I am a co-editor of the book, "The Political Economy of Corruption", which is now available for pre-order. I am also a co-editor of a special issue of Economic Modelling titled Crises and Corruption: How Governance and Institutions Interact in Troubled Times.

My current research explores issues in economic development with an emphasis on corruption, gender, and finance. My work underscores the importance of culture and institutions for socioeconomic outcomes. A strand of my research explores the factors responsible for the emergence of gender norms. I also have some papers on coronavirus. This paper comparing economic behaviors during the COVID-19 and the 1776 London Plague discussing the resiliency of core economic concepts over hundreds of years might be interesting to your undergraduate students in courses like Principles of Economics/Microeconomics and Behavioral Economics. I occasionally write popular pieces, some of which are related to my research. 

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