
Teaching Highlights

Le Moyne College - Finance


This course is an introduction to modern investment theories and practice. It covers important issues facing an investor in capital markets. The topics include portfolio theory and management, asset pricing models in capital markets, fixed-income securities and equity valuation, investment performance evalution and derivative securities.

Introduction to Finance (Formerly knows as Managerial Finance)

This course introduces various functional areas of finance. It introduces topics on time value of money, financial analysis, valuation of stocks and bonds, techniques on capital budgeting, cost of capital, risk and return, basic of investments, and international finance. This course also introduces ethics in finance through various topics covered in the course.

Financial Markets and Institutions (Formerly known as Financial Institutions and Capital Markets)

This course is designed to give a conceptual understanding of different types and functions of financial institutions and financial markets. The purpose of this course is to provide students with an introduction to the financial system and economic analysis, including major financial markets, financial institutions, and financial instruments. Its topics include foreign exchange rates, interest rates, monetary policy, money markets, and capital markets, securities offerings, valuation and risk in the various markets, operations and management of central bank and commercial banks.

Le Moyne College - Economics

Economics for Managers (MBA course)

This course provides an introduction of economics for managers. It applies macroeconomic methods to business decision making and current global policy issues as well as microeconomic models to consumer, producer and market behavior. Topics include interest rates, inflation, monetary and fiscal policy, and labor markets, as well as demand and cost analysis, industry performance, and market structure.

Global Economic Issues (Interdisciplinary course)

Is globalization inevitable and irreversible? Who are the winners and losers? Globalization is the process of integration of markets, politics, and legal systems. Supporters of globalization believe it increases a nation's economic growth and expands opportunities for countries to trade and realize comparative advantages in their areas of strength. Opponents believe it increases inequality within and between nations, threatens employment and living standards, thwarts labor and environmental standards, and retards social progress. This course includes a description of the principles and practices of foreign trade and financial institutions; international cartels; and defines globalization; examines its impact on trade; movement of capital and labor; diffusion of knowledge and technology, and distribution of income in the world.

Principles of Macroeconomics

This course introduces the basic concepts of macroeconomics through which students develop a working knowledge of the U.S. economy. Students learn the relationship between fiscal and monetary policies and short-run business cycle fluctuations, and what factors produce long-run economic growth. This knowledge helps students to identify and explain current macroeconomic issues and outcomes such as the unemployment rate, inflation rate, interest rates, budget and trade deficits, national debt, and exchange rates. Students learn the roles that money, banking, and the financial sector play, and how government spending and taxes affect the economy.

Economics of Financial Markets

Louisiana State University

Money, Banking, and Macroeconomic Activity

Role of commercial banks, other financial institutions and the central bank in affecting the performance of the economy; relationships of money and fiscal policy to prices, production, and employment; internal and external effects of U.S. fiscal and monetary policy.

Principles of Macroeconomics

Study of economy-wide phenomena, including inflation, unemployment, the monetary system, economic growth, international trade and finance.

Principles of Microeconomics

Study of how households and firms make decisions and how they interact in specific markets; theories of production price determination, trade, externalities and public goods.

Teaching Awards

  • Outstanding Teacher Award, Graduate Assistant Category, E. J. Ourso College of Business, Louisiana State University, 2015.

  • Excellence in Teaching Award, Teaching Assistant Category, Department of Economics, Louisiana State University, 2014.